Friday, August 7, 2009

where is Gabriel main store?

Hi! How are you today?
Its nice weather in Japan, but very hot day!!!!
Need air conditioner!!!!!!

By the way,
now I am going to introduce about Gabriel main store!
The building is so modern and simple design, it is easy to see because it is very widespread.

when you get in this building, you can see New items first

This is group gift! You can join Gabriel group anytime:)

This is free gift box.
Our all items can trans.
So, if you want to present to your important person,
use this beautiful gift box.
If you need a title like happy wedding, happy rezday and so on, ask us:)

These are all free items! Look at these!! cannot be thought free, isn't it?
The simble of Gabrile, fur choker, this is so popular in this world.

Also there is a bar at Gabriel main store.
We are opening on Tuseday, Thursday, Saturday every weeks.
open time is from 22 to 24 Japan time. ( from 6:00 to 8:00 SL time)
Of couse you can come here anytime if you want.
if there is nobody, just call me:))

Gabriel main store!!!!

Gabriel main store